Discussion on Solutions for Digital Exclusion

Topic What are the solutions for digital exclusion? I believe the role of digital assistants is crucial. The digitally excluded population, who are entirely unfamiliar with digital devices, often lack even the most basic knowledge of how to use them. Many struggle not only with searching on smartphones but also with simple tasks like touch, scroll, and keyboard usage. Given that they may quickly forget these skills, having a digital assistant provide direct assistance seems to be the most effective approach....

January 24, 2024
Book cover of The Age of AI

Discussion After Reading <The Age of AI>

Topics How can humans utilize AI without transferring the core elements of strategy to machines? The shift of roles from humans to AI is a natural phenomenon. If humans intend to prevent such a phenomenon, the issue must be addressed legally. While the notion of movies like Terminator may seem vague for now, negotiating and resolving problems through discussions between human representatives and AI representatives seems to be the only way....

January 15, 2024