Book cover of Linux Basics for Hackers

Planning 2024 Winter Mogakso

Mogakso(모각소) is a new Korean term that means ‘gather and code individually’. Team Notion Notion Link Study Plan Topic: Learn to hack with a book Linux Basics for Hackers by OccupyTheWeb Linux basics Networking Bash scripting Security basics Web hacking basics SQL injection Wireless hacking

January 1, 2024
KVM logo

How to Use KVM Virtual Machine in Linux

If you are a Linux user, you may have encountered a situation where you need to use Windows. Or, you may want to test another Linux distro without installing it on your computer. In this case, you can use a virtual machine. What is a virtual machine? A virtual machine is a virtual computer that runs on your computer. It is a software that emulates a computer, and you can install an operating system on it and use it like a real computer....

December 31, 2023