
How can humans utilize AI without transferring the core elements of strategy to machines?

The shift of roles from humans to AI is a natural phenomenon. If humans intend to prevent such a phenomenon, the issue must be addressed legally. While the notion of movies like Terminator may seem vague for now, negotiating and resolving problems through discussions between human representatives and AI representatives seems to be the only way.

If ChatGPT endlessly generates articles indistinguishable from human writing, won’t the future internet be filled with fake news and conspiracy theories?

Similar to how artificial intelligence recognizes spam emails today, future AI will also scrutinize fake news. AI with superior search capabilities will emerge to verify the authenticity of the content.

If machines start mass-producing results, replacing unique intellectual labor of humans, what tasks will humanity be able to undertake in the future?

In the early stages of production, humans will directly inspect the results. Humans will be responsible for examining whether the outcomes generated by AI are well-crafted, and over time, even this role of inspection will be taken over by AI. From this point forward, the range of tasks that humans can perform will significantly diminish.

If no one can fully understand or access the data handled by AI, should we feel reassured or uneasy?

There is no reason to feel reassured, but at the same time, there is no need to feel uneasy. Monitoring the process of deep learning is already challenging. As artificial intelligence generates data, similar to the ‘black box phenomenon,’ it will become difficult for humans to comprehend the data. The hope lies in the emergence of AI that can understand such data.

If you read and have the mindset as an IT engineer, what attitude should you adopt moving forward?

Accept the fact that AI will lead the future and adapt as quickly as possible. For IT engineers, AI is the most powerful tool, mentor, and future boss. Refusing and rejecting AI in such a scenario will hinder further development.

This post was written for the 2024 Winter Mogakso Activity.